This course is a half day course which is classroom based. The aim of this course is to provide the basic knowledge required under OLEC 1 to access OLE construction sites safely and effectively for those who are directly or indirectly involved with OLE construction activities.
At the end of the course the candidate will:
Understand the rules and regulations that are in force for required personnel to access overhead line construction sites safely and effectively.
Who Is The Course Suitable For?
This course is intended for candidates whose work involves accessing OLE Construction sites. It will provide:
A basic introduction to OLE construction sites
The technical terminology used when working on an OLE construction site
The types of documentation associated with OLE construction sites and the recording and reporting procedures that need to be followed
The general safety requirements for accessing OLE construction sites
Candidates must be over the age of 16 and sponsored by a link-up approved railway company before undertaking the OLEC 1 course. This is a company who have been audited and certificated to supply workers to the Railway industry. The Sentinel co-ordinator of this sponsoring company will need to sign our course booking form to confirm their intent to sponsor you and supply their linkup site ID number
Course Objectives
On successful completion of the course Candidates will be able to:
Explain the limits of their personal authority
Give a brief description of the main component parts of the OLE infrastructure
Describe the main hazards and risks associated with OLE construction sites and activities
Follow the safe access procedure
Comply with the health and safety regulations
Complete relevant records accurately and pass them on to the appropriate person